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I urge you to first watch both of these videos and then read my article 'THE END' below . . . Warning people of imminent danger is NOT 'hate speech' . . . .
It is actually an act of love . . . . . . . The whole purpose of this site.
If I absolutely knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that a massive flood or some other disaster was going to impact the exact area where you live . . . . what sort of person would I be if I did not warn you, and just made sure I was alright? . . . . .
So I have written you this article . . . . . . What it contains is vitally important for you and your whole family and people you care about!
What I am about to tell you, fantastic as it sounds, is totally true and has absolute relevance to what is happening right now . . . . . Please read it to the end.
So what is going on? . . . It’s obvious something ‘unusual’ is happening all over the world. What is presently occurring is ALL prophesied in the Bible. Some of it written over 3,000 years ago! . . .
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by around 40 different authors. This was over a time span of about 1,500 years! . . .Yet somehow they all ‘dovetail’ seamlessly!. . . . Now, realistically there is no way various guys thousands of years ago could accurately predict what would occur now . . . . unless they were somehow supernaturally shown. . . . I don’t want to make this too long so I won’t give lots of instances . . although I could . . . but in a nutshell this is what happened: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Man was created in a state of ‘sinless perfection’ and had a close relationship with his creator Yahweh (God) . . there was no 'good' or 'bad'. Everything God created was in a state of perfection, but through man's disobedience that relationship / connection was severed . . . . and man became a fallen sinful being. . . . . . . . . . .
Sin (which we are now ALL contaminated by) brought with it . . disease . . decay and death.
We were originally created to live forever . . . that’s why the bible records that early people lived hundreds of years before they were subject to death.
The age gradually came down to around where we are now. Average 70-80 years. The bible also records that in the days of Noah the earth was full of violence and perversion and that evil and deception was rampant. Child sacrifice . . paedophilia . . and unbridled lust and unnatural desires abounded.
Pretty much what is happening again now! . . . .
Jesus actually said that just before He returns to judge the world it will be 'as it was in the days of Noah' Matthew 24:7 . . . . . . . . .
The Devil . . Satan . . is as real as you or I. He was once a shining Archangel . . . The most intelligent and powerful being God ever created . . . . . but he led a rebellion in Heaven and was apparently cast down to earth along with millions of other rebellious Angels, who are now demons. . . . . . . . His name was changed by God from Lucifer – The Light Bringer, to Satan – The Accuser & Deceiver. He absolutely hates mankind because we are ‘made in the image of God’ . . . . . His main desire is to be worshipped in place of God and he has many people deceived and worshipping all sorts of false ‘gods’. Buhhda . . Allah . . the 3 million ‘gods’ of Hinduism and many others, who are actually demonic forces. . . . . . . . .
As previously stated, man was originally created in a state of ‘perfection’ and had a close relationship with his creator Yahweh (God) . . In the bible in Genesis it tells us that God used to come down and ‘walk and talk with Adam in the garden of Eden’ . . . . . . . there was no good or bad, no disease, decay or death, just perfection. (something it is virtually impossible for us to imagine now, in this crazy evil world) . . . . . . . . Satan appeared to Eve in her innocence, as an ‘angel of light’ (exactly like he used to be) and convinced her to do the one thing God had said was prohibited. . . . . . . . . .
All their food was there in abundance, everything they needed for an idyllic existence, was provided. There was only ONE rule! (Think how many rules we have to live under now!) . . . . . ‘Do not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ . . . . God had told them that if they did they would die. But Satan came and persuaded Eve that wasn’t what God had said. . . . . . .
He said, 'If you eat the fruit you will be just like God and know all things’! . . . . Eve fell for it and through her disobedience that relationship/connection with God was severed . . . . and man became a fallen sinful being. . . knowing good and evil. . . . . . . . . . .
Think of SIN like a spiritual 'Aids’ which has been passed on from every parent to every child since. We are born in this state and it separates us from God. He is pure and Holy, and no sin may come into His presence and survive . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
So God effectively ‘withdrew’ from His precious creation. . . . . . . . . . .
The consequences of Eve’s act of disobedience allowed sin, disease, decay and death into the picture, and from that point on man did indeed begin to ‘die’.
The days of Noah were about 1,650 years after creation, and the Fallen Angels had mated with human women, DISRUPTING THE DNA of humanity. There were giants born as a result. . . . (Nephilim-and they’re proven) . . . who were wreaking destruction all over the earth. That is why God flooded the world . . (Geologically the flood is also well proven) . . because the mating of women and fallen angels had disrupted the DNA of mankind! . . . . . Virtually every nation in the world has legends about 'giants' . . . because they were here!
At the time of the flood, Noah and his family were the only ones left whose DNA was still totally human! . . . So God used Noah to ‘start again’ so to speak. . . . But man still had the dilemma of being separated from God by his fallen sinful nature.
God is ‘outside of time’ . . . Time only applies to us on earth. The Bible tells us ‘To God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day’ . . . God sees our past, present and future all at once. (Sounds fantastic I know, but we are talking about the awesome power that created me, you, the world and everything in it. Plus the Heavens!)
God’s solution to man’s dilemma of separation from their creator, was to incarnate into human flesh . . . To be born into this fallen world to put things back to rights. He came in the form of the saviour Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Maschiac (Hebrew) . . . . However, He was not contaminated by sin, because He had no human father. . . . . . . . .
He was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit. He also was perfect . . . sinless, just like Adam was. Hence one of His titles: The Second Adam.
In the Old Testament we see how the Jewish Priests were commanded to offer sacrifices of animals for temporary forgiveness of sin . . to sprinkle their blood over the temple altar (I know that is hard to accept – but stick with it – God knows what He’s doing).
This was a ‘picture’ of what Jesus would come to do much later - shed His pure, perfect and sinless blood on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins – but just the once, and with it He purchased freedom from sin for all people everywhere. . . . . .
What His sacrifice on the cross did, was to put us back into a right relationship with God again – just like Adam and Eve were in the beginning. However, this is not some ‘blanket policy’ that automatically covers you . . . . . You have to realise that you’re a sinner and then confess it to God and ask forgiveness for all your sins through the blood Jesus shed on the cross . . . . . (if you don’t think you are a sinner, I suggest you check out how many of the 10 Commandments you have broken – WE ARE ALL SINNERS!) . . JESUS SAID IF YOU BREAK JUST ONE OF THESE COMMANDMENTS THEN YOU ARE GUILTY OF ALL OF THEM! . . . . . . . .
Just remember –‘God is not mocked’ Galatians 6:7. . . . . If however, you die ‘in your sins’ as the Bible puts it, that is unforgiven, you cannot go into the presence of a pure and Holy God . . . . . . . . .
We are spirit beings in a physical body . . . . If you’ve seen a dead body, something’s ‘gone’. . .The spirit of that person. It’s only the physical body that can die . . it gets old and decays. But spirit cannot age, therefore it continues to exist after the physical body expires. . . I’m an old man now, 74 years, but my spirit doesn’t feel old, neither does yours even though your body may be slowing down! . . . . . . .
Yahweh (God) has given over 2,000 years for people to repent. Jesus came first as a lamb to be slaughtered for us . . . He’s coming back soon, all the things happening now are fulfilling exactly what the Bible says! However this time He will not come as a baby in a manger, to ultimately give His life blood for us – He’s done that. He is returning as The King of Kings . . . The Lion of Judah . . . . to judge the whole world, and it is going to be really, really heavy!
If He returns and you are unsaved then it’s too late . . . you will spend eternity in hell by your own choice . . . Because you refused to accept God’s free offer of salvation! . . . . . . . . . . .
So how does this all relate to what is happening NOW?
The Bible tells us in Revelation Ch.13 of man who, in the last days, will arise and rule over the whole world – The Anti-Christ – The Man of Sin. . . It also says of him ‘He causes everyone to carry in their right hand or forehead a mark – without which no man may buy or sell anything’ . . (Probably some sort of Microchip).
They are now saying that if you refuse to be vaccinated, you will not be able to buy or sell, travel, or any of the other things we presently take for granted . . . Certainly a ‘forerunner’ of whatever The Mark of the Beast is going to be. . . . .Exactly what the Apostle John said 2,000+ years ago! . . . . . . . . .
Gates and all the other billionaire members of The New World Order are pushing for everybody to be ‘vaccinated’? . . . . And it now emerges that these injections will PERMANENTLY alter you DNA. . . . . . . It is interesting to note that Jesus said in Mathew Ch 24 . . . That ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at my return’ . . . . . The Nephilim had altered humanity’s DNA . . . . . Gates and Co are attempting the same thing. . . . Add to that the ‘Great Reset’ being pushed by the Nazi Klaus Schwab, and his right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari (A Godless Jewish homosexual Transhumanist ) along with King Charles, Gates, Soros and all the other Satanic ‘elites’, and it becomes obvious Jesus words are being fulfilled before our eyes. . . . . . . . . .
When the prophet John saw this vision over 2,000 years ago he had no way of relating to today’s technology . . . so he called it a ‘mark’ . . . The Mark of The Beast. God’s word says if you take this mark you have sealed your eternal doom! . . It is the mark of Satan. . . . . . . .
Just as Jesus entered a human body, so Satan will enter a human body and rise to power by supernatural signs and wonders. . . . . Prior to this present computer age this wasn’t at all feasible . . . but now it is . . . . We see more and more control being exerted over our lives, and it’s only just started! . . . . Almost every week we are told the ‘virus’ is mutating and this will necessitate yet more ‘injections’. . . .They are systematically altering your your DNA to turn you into compliant ‘zombies’ . . . so you will accept this implant in your right hand or forehead! . . . . . Without a doubt there are more 'pandemics' waiting in the wings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Think again about the parallels between the DNA altering mating of humans and fallen angels, and the DNA altering properties of Gates/Pfizer vaccines! . . . . . . . . . . .
Satan’s plan has continued and is coming toward a culmination. There is so much evidence now of lies and collusion by governments all over the world. Satanism is rampant amongst the so called ‘elites’ – the ones with all the money and power. Why? Because they have all literally ‘sold their souls’ to Satan. . . . . This ultra evil man Klaus Schwab, the head of The World Economic Forum, is a ‘Transhumanist’ who along with others of the satanic ‘elites’ believes the future is a merger of men and machines! . . . A total degradation of human DNA . . . If you do nothing else, read The Great Reset Agenda! . . . . . . . .
Sometime in the near future, Jesus will remove all those who are saved by accepting His offer of salvation, from this world to the Heavenly realms – It’s called ‘The Rapture’ – if you aren’t saved, and washed clean by His precious blood you will be here on earth for a time of utter unbridled destruction that is due to explode upon the planet soon . . as God unleashes the power of nature upon a sinful and unbelieving world! . . . . . .
There is much, much more I could say – but this will turn into a book!
We are in the very ‘end times’ and your eternal future, and that of your family depends on choices you make now . . . . . .
I challenge you to read Mathew Ch 24 in the New Testament, and not conclude it is talking about RIGHT NOW! . . . . . . .
I have shared this because I care about you.