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Victoria Falls Church ~ Member of Zimbabwe Council of Churches
Nick & Erika 2017_edited.jpg

     Nick + Erika Partis

      Pastors/Directors U.K.

Max head.jpg

Max Ncube

Pastor - Victoria Falls

Sheila Head.jpg

Sheila Ncube

Asst. Pastor - Vic Falls


Lucky Ndlovu

Admin Director Zimbabwe

Scabella Rural Church ~ Member of Zimbabwe Council of Churches
Pastor Fanwell

Fanwell Hadebe

Pastor - Scabella Rural

Thembi - Assistant pastor - Scabella - Zimbabwe

Thembi Hadebe

Asst. Pastor - Scabella Rural

Back in 2007 the Lord led Erika and I to go out to Zimbabwe and gave us the name 'Still Small Voice Ministries' . . . Initially, we went to speak at a conference in Hwange . . . but it subsequently became apparent that we should plant a church in Victoria Falls . . .  It was at this conference that we first met our good friend and brother Max Ncube who actually lived in Victoria Falls . . . . . . . .

He was living with his family in a partly built property with a small patch of land to one side and he agreed to use it to facilitate a church . . . . Long story short, we ordained Max as Pastor and went on to build the first 'Still Small Voice Ministries' church . . . .

                      It had to have a wall all around to keep out marauding elephants! 

Click the photos and
they will enlarge
The Materials
Work begins
The Framework
Roof on
Floor down
Walls up
Nearly there!
Walls painted
Footings started
Sun reflecting white
Elephant walls going up
Sliding Security Gate
'The Powerhouse'
Artwork by McPhee
Artwork by McPhee
Happy congregation!
In 2012 we established a
fellowship in Victoria Falls
with Max Ncube as pastor.
In 2017 we were able to
finance the building of a
meeting place for the S.S.V.
fellowship . . . . . . .
'The Powerhouse' was built
and soon became a vibrant
church where Jesus is
worshipped. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Up until 'Covid' happened
we went out to minister  in Zimbabwe  every few years.
However, since then our age
and general health have
sadly prevented us from
returning. . . . . . . . . .

Pastor Max along with his
wife Sheila and several asst.
Pastors look after around 80
adults and 40 children . . . .
Many of whom live in extreme poverty . . . They distribute food to the disabled and needy on a
regular basis (see pics below)
and the gospel of salvation
is preached. . . . . . . . .
During our time in Zimbawe
we were very blessed to
experience a host of miracles
(SEE MINISTRY VIDEOS) and also to minister to many wonderful people and see vastly changed lives through Jesus . . . . . . .
Jesus consistently showed that he is 'the same yesterday, today
and forever' . . . . full of love
and compassion . . . .
We very much miss our lovely
Zimbabwean family and are in regular communication over the internet . . .
We remain the 'Overseers' and
Directors of S.S.V. Ministries
and continue to give them
financial support . . . . . . . . .

Any money donated is
sent via Western Union
and goes directly as cash
to our Admin Director or
to Pastor Max ~ nothing is
wasted on 'paperwork' etc.
Food distribution to the needy
Still Small Voice Ministries
Scabella Rural Church
About 18 months after the Vic Falls church was established I was led to send £350 out for Fanwell Hadebe.
He had been
miraculously healed from Aids when we were ministering out in the 'bush'
When some months later Erika and I went out to Zimbabwe and went to visit him we were stunned to see
what he had done with just £350 . . . . He had built an entire small church! . . . . He made his own kiln and fired up hundreds of mud bricks . . . obtained second hand windows and metal roof cladding . . .  and . . . .
Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words! . . . . . . . . . . (see slideshow below)
He has since been ordained as Pastor of the Scabella church, and along with his lovely wife Thembi works tirelessly spreading the gospel and helping the poor villagers, many of whom live in mud huts . . . . . . .


Click to scroll

The Hadebes live a very hard life and yet truly love The Lord . . . Together they travel in their donkey cart to other rural villages preaching the gospel . . .

They grow what crops they can on their
dry and barren land and feed as many other villagers as possible . . . . . . . .

It would be wonderful if you could help them financially . . . . . . . . . .
You can donate below . . . Thank you.
To see actual video footage of Pastor Fanwell's amazing healing watch 'Two Amazing Miracles'
Victoria Falls
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